See what our Guests are saying about us.

5 reviews on
Joel Canter
Joel Canter
May 18, 2022.
Dewayne and Deanna Noel make you feel like part of their family as soon as you arrive. Their hospitality is like no other and you leave feeling like you ought to stay just a while longer. The food was excellent and the accommodations were just what you expect for a cowboy/wrangler experience. Even if you are not looking to become a wrangler or cowboy, Dewayne’s knowledge about horses that he shares is a tremendous gift to you and your horse experience for the rest of your life. Dewayne has been around the world working with all types of horses. This knowledge not only gives you a better understanding of the horse but also as a rider, husbandry and life itself. He is a man that has learned through his time on the range and with patience and care helps you understand why you are doing the things your doing and not just doing it because that’s the way it’s done. I left Dry Creek Wrangler School a better rider, a better horse care taker and to some extent a better man. The camaraderie that is shared with the students around the camp fires, meals and classes are what this world is missing. A bond is formed with all who is there to each other, the horses (and Reba , the mule) and with the Noels. I am forever grateful for the time spent with Dry Creek Wrangler School. I will return for more as learning knows no bounds. I will also be returning because it’s just great fun and company. If you are looking to find more knowledge about horses and the horse experience, this is the place to go! There is no other school or experience close to this one. Wether you are a beginner or old hand, Dewayne will teach you something that will always be with you and help you throughout your life. Dwayne is the original Super Puncher! My hat off to Dewayne and Deanne for creating a welcoming environment for all. Also thanks to Brian for his help and friendship.
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Christian Stewart
Christian Stewart
May 18, 2022.
Dewayne and Deanna are great people, great instructors, and amazing cooks! The classes were very down to earth and I felt like I could ask anything, even the most basic questions and Dewayne had no problem answering them. The horsemanship portion of the school was broken down to the point that even the more difficult skills could be learned easily. Overall I would recommend this school to anyone looking to go into wrangling out west or even back east. 10/10.
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Orland Augburn
Orland Augburn
May 18, 2022.
The week that I spent at Dry Creek Wrangler School was one of the most informative and enjoyable weeks I have ever spent. We learned many things about being a wrangler and the responsibilities that they assume. The rustic country setting and the meals cooked over open fires were top notch. I would highly recommend the school to anyone interested in horses and the wrangler way of life. Thank you Dewayne and Deana Noel for a great week.
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bhag meister
bhag meister
May 18, 2022.
Just returned from the 2nd week of this schools existence… and I wish I were still there. This is an exceptional opportunity to gather with like-minded people and learn from the master. In a word, DeWayne is Genuine - he is the real deal. The wealth of information coupled with sit-down and hands-on field learning would itself be enough but the camaraderie and welcomed feeling you cannot miss is heart warming. I cannot wait to go back and be with DeWayne, Deanna (Momma) and all.
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Professor Dad
Professor Dad
May 17, 2022.
Dry Creek Wrangler School is a wonderful place. It’s like traveling back in time. The people are terrific and do everything they can to make you feel like part of the family. If you want to learn about horsemanship this is your place. Hands down, Dewayne Noel is one of the best wranglers I’ve ever been around.
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Dewayne’s horse training rule #1 is “Make the undesirable uncomfortable and make the desirable most comfortable”. Being able to attend Dry Creek Wrangler School for the second year in a row was definitely “more comfortable” for me. I felt like I was able to better internalize all of Dewayne’s lessons. His easy going and patient manner of teaching was very appealing to my learning style. His emphasis on being the type of wrangler that each guest can trust and developing trust with your horse is the mantra I will live by.

Last year Dewayne inspired me to follow my dream to become a wrangler. I observed how much he enjoyed teaching, sharing stories, and riding horses. I realized I could do it and obtain my dream. With a very supportive wife and the approaching retirement in my firefighter career, I took the “leap of faith” and found my first full-time wrangler position. I start May 17th.

I will be forever grateful for Dry Creek Wrangler School, Dewayne, Deanna, and their staff. They all helped me obtain my wrangler dream.

C.M. Utah

What an experience…I’ve enjoyed many firsts this week. As someone who has had limited with horses and “western cowboy” culture, this class has done wonders for my confidence with, around, and while riding horses. The atmosphere is lowkey, relaxed, and personable. The food was fantastic! The hands-on instruction and visual demonstration were very thought out and with Dewayne’s teaching style it all just seems to click. In less than one short week I went from never tacking up a horse to doing it by myself and riding roughly 8 miles! This experience was truly life changing. It sounds cliche but truly it offered a perspective I’ve never experienced or even been exposed to. I truly soaked up every moment!

N.M. New York

One of my biggest take-aways this week was just being reminded of the heart of horsemanship…that is a lifelong learning process, a journey. One where there is no room for pride. To just always maintain a humble, learning mindset and a curiosity that always asks “why”? To simply have fun. Thanks for being so laid-back and hospitable and for making us all just feel like a part of the family. and thanks for the wonderful week you all have worked so hard to make possible for us this week! It gives so many a chance to chase their dreams or discover a dream they never even knew they had.

C.R. Tennessee

Thank you for everything, I have no words for all you have done for me. Everyone was extremely kind, Momma took good care of me, the food was perfect, Dewayne’s advice gives me confidence in taking the steps towards my dreams.

K.F. Iowa

Thank you. I will forever be grateful for the experience you shared with me and all the students in your school. I now know the true meaning of “wrangler” as well as a cowboy, a guide, and a packer! I will cherish you all. Some take-aways are..

-always ask “why”

-find the calm in yourself

-how to season a cast iron skillet!

-the power and benefit of family. You guys are the American dream that is still alive.

-how to assemble and proper use of a mecate

-proper use of a high port western bit and the “why”

There was so much more but just to name a few.

M.R. Washington

I learned so much, even really small things that most people wouldn’t find helpful or maybe remember. Thank you from someone who is trying to actually live her life and not make money to live it later!

S.M. Michigan

Dewayne provided me with the proper way to treat horses and riding that no one took the time to show me until now. Deanna has the ability to keep all the parts moving-ensuring everything is just right and everyone has their needs met. Shelby is the best cook I’ve ever had meals with bar none! Noah (Dewayne’s apprentice) has a great work ethic and great attitude..he restored my faith in young men in his character and productivity. Seminole (the camp jack) has a quiet and efficient style that is a big help to Dewayne and Deanna…her help with prep and clean-up was very much appreciated. Will (the wrangler) has an energy and confidence that matches his ability as a horseman. Thanks for showing us how we can get to your level.

I hope you all will continue to love what you are doing here as it means so much of us as guests to experience this lifestyle.

J.M. California

I am truly honored to have has the opportunity to attend Dry Creek Wrangler School. After following Dewayne’s You Tube channel, it gave me the confidence needed to take a stop outside of my comfort one and experience something real. As a novice horseman I appreciate Dewayne’s patience and wisdom with regard to horsemanship and life. He has a beautiful family. They are all the real deal, and I can’t tell you what a privilege it was to ride with them. I am touched that people of such experience have made the time to help me with my “rookie” needs. I am leaving with an infinitely better feel for “the life” and all that it entails, and I now have a much better idea how to proceed with my own journey.

C.E. Connecticut

We both are walking away with way more knowledge than we expected to gain. We both really liked how you taught us from the ground up and then gave us hands-on experience. The way you switched us around on the horses was a very cool experience, getting to see the different personalities. We are walking away with the confidence to own and handle our own horse! Thank you all for everything, we are truly grateful for you opening you home to us along with sharing your knowledge and stories. We can’t say enough about the food, it was all so good! The only thing I didn’t like was the weight I gained!

W.T. and A.G. Wisconsin

What a ride! Another adventure to add to my book of life. One could not ask for a better experience. The education alone was worth every cent, however add the food, comradery, and down-right niceness and it becomes priceless! I have been to many ports of this world and none compare. This class has given me a better understanding of the “horse life”, not necessarily the life of the horse. This in itself isa main attribute of being a good horse owner. Although class is focused around horsemanship it also gives a picture of man-manship…life lessons are paired with man and beast. My grandson has taken notice, to some degree, of this. the other students that struggle with direction took hold of the analogies and they pointed them down a trail of better understanding.

M.K. and grandson, New York

I experienced a good bit of learning this week. Too much to share at length so I’ll give you my favorite “golden nugget” which relates to “Time Out”. What I’m talking about it giving yourself the time and space to learn, discover, teach, and to have fun! Dewayne was demonstrating communication this week when he showed the different ways to teach your horse the ABC’s using simplified and complex bits. He also spoke on the inappropriateness of time when it comes to training. Moreover, thinking you could teach a horse that had never been trailered to load-up 30 min. prior to needing to be somewhere. That scenario doesn’t set you or your horse up for success. “Time” has to be taken out of the equation. This doesn’t just apply to horses, it applies to life. I am truly grateful for the Fullness of this past week. Though I’ve needed to pace myself, it’s been amazing for me! Future students: Let of Time, get still, and enjoy the ride!

M.L. Tennessee

When my brother and I made the decision to purchase horses we both knew that we had a lot to learn, and that it would be greatly beneficial to attend some type of clinic or school to cut that learning curve as short as possible, so we don’t make irreparable mistakes. At that point we found DCWS videos. I came here having very little actual horse experience, and possibly even less horse-sense! I came to watch, listen, learn, and practice in a safe environment where I could receive corrective feedback immediately. While I watched your videos I felt that the environment must be such a place. I was not disappointed. The teaching and lessons have been invaluable, easy to learn and carry with me. The communication between my horse and I has been spot-on. Since the beginning felt a close kinship with him and i really did not want to make ignorant mistakes early in our relationship to confuse him. The atmosphere was enrichening and relaxing, the “team” is excellent, each member in their own right: Dewayne & Momma run a good show and again, the lessons are invaluable. Thank you all so very much, I learned so much and truly appreciate every moment that I was here.

S.M. Wisconsin

This was by far one of the greatest adventures I’ve had in a while. It was amazing! The hospitality is great! I think this is an experience everyone should experience in a lifetime. The rides were mind-blowing and the connection I made with a horse that isn’t even mine is CRAZY! I am so grateful to call myself a Dry Creek Wrangler graduate! Maybe when I come back next year I can ride bareback! you never know!

C.S. Texas